Sketchwell | Complex Ideas. Simple Visuals.

Case Study: Shepherd Leadership

Written by Kacy Maxwell | Oct 5, 2023 12:19:04 AM

How do you stop the scroll and make your message stand out?
Add a compelling visual.
When Nick Westbrook reached out to me about partnering with him I was really excited.
Nick’s got a great framework, an awesome podcast and lots of other compelling content.
But what he didn’t have was visuals.
And that’s where Sketchwell came in.
After reviewing Nick’s content, podcast and talks, I put together this simple sketchnote.

It showcases his 4 Part Shepherd Leadership framework in a simple and compelling way.
This is something he can share on social, in email and even on a future website.
We also had a cool idea to turn it into a cool fill-in-the-blank printout he can hand out for people to write on as he speaks. 

Nick was awesome to work with and has a great podcast you should subscribe to.
Remember, compelling visuals are a way to stop the scroll and get your content noticed…often times your words are not enough.
Have great words and need a great visual? Let’s talk